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Ursula Liechti's


Training - Teaching - Learning


Do you want to make a change?

„The moment you believe you can do it, everything else begins to fall into place. Always believe."


You can do it!

Mental strength and competence in equestrian sports and driving

"Success is never final.

Failure is not fatal.

 Getting back up is all that matters."


Are you living your best life?

„Sometimes what you are most afraid of doing

 is the very thing that will set you free.“

About me

Ursula Liechti

I qualified in leadership and management and worked in various executive positions. At a later stage, I was trained in psychology, focusing on life coaching, mental training, sports psychology and sports-mental training within the field of competitive and high-performance sports.


Over the years I have gained valuable experience. I was able to work with numerous clients and side by side with a prominent sponsoring group -  in their diagnostics and training center.

© Ursula Liechti • CH-3723 Kiental

© Ursula Liechti • CH-3723 Kiental


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